Spoilers - June 23
>> Tuesday, June 23, 2009
- It might be that Sam and Liz will share drinks at Jake's and have a conversation, but everything goes akward when they talk about Jason
- As we mentioned before Sam and jason will share a kiss, but not a romantic, only a bussines matter and he states that.
- Lucky will rethink if he wants to be with Elizabeth and her kids
- Lucky will have a conversation with Sam
- Dominic is actually Dante, as he also mentioned today on the episode that he grew up in Bensonhurst
- Dominic/Dante will fall for a nurse
- Ronnie is Dominic's associate
- Claudia will realize that Olivia and Sonny share a child
- As Rick leaves we still might have his baby with Claudia, so Gusa leaves an open door for him to come back, or he might get recasted
- Claudia gets despered
- When Michael moves to the Q's he feels lurd with money and history
- Michael and Kristina should have a fan event
- Luke should be back in November, but until then we should see him on the screen the pretaped scenes
- Jason and Johnny prepare for another job
- Ethan runs the Haunted Star and might get involved into the mob, because he actually knows Dominic
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